This is how you can fix toca race driver 3 registry error that shows you the message please check the installation:
Step 1: Somewhere on your system create a .txt document (in notepad), and write the following code into it:
- Cod:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Codemasters\Race Driver 3]
"PATH_MAIN"="D:\\games\\toca race driver 3\\gamedata"
"PATH_APPLICATION"="D:\\games\toca race driver 3"
"PATH_SAVE"="D:\\games\\toca race driver 3\\savedata"
"PATH_VIDEO"="D:\\games\\toca race driver 3\\gamedata"
"PATH_CD"="D:\\games\\toca race driver 3"
"TITLEBAR"="ToCA Race Driver 3"
"NAME_CD"="ToCA Race Driver 3"
- now change the text, which consist in the game instalation directory's filepath, to match to your pc. For example in my pc, the game was installed in:
D:\\games\\toca race driver 3\\, (also don't foget to use // (double slashes) ) you need to change that to your game's filepath.
After making the changes save the document.
Step 2. Change the extension of the document from .txt to .reg (to change the extension just right click on the file, go to rename, and change the .txt to .reg).
Step 3. After changing the extension just open the registry and the game will register to your machine.
After this you should be able to open, and play it.