This is a guide about how can you install
SDL Libraries for DevCpp Mingw.
1. Download
SDL Libraries from the Internet or from
2. Extract them.
3. Open the DevCpp.
4. Click on Tools -> Compiler Options -> Directories -> Binaries, add there the directory bin from the downloaded
5.Tools -> Compiler Options -> Directories -> C or C++ Includes, add there the directory include from the downloaded
6.Tools -> Compiler Options -> Directories ->
Libraries, add there the directory lib from the downloaded
SDL, and then click ok.
7. Create a new project
for using
SDL Libraries, and go to Project Options -> Parameters -> Linker -> Add there the following:
and then click ok, and you're good to go.
If after compilation you receive and error while opening the created executable, just copy from
SDL/bin the file named SDL2.dll into your created executable directory, or project directory.
While programming be sure you use: int argv, char** args, as arguments
for the main function, otherwise you will encounter compilation error something such us: undefined reference to SDL_main, if your compiler is friendly enough.
int main(int argv, char** args)
Write here the code.
Also you can try:
SDL Libraries for Microsoft Visual StudioSDL Libraries for Codeblocks